Monday, June 7, 2010

You know those days when it feels like the world is a metal machine and you are stuck in the grind of an eternal conveyor belt endlessly spinning and turning out of control?

Well it was not one of those days.

It was a golden day.

Golden days are a stirred mix of ingredients that create a zesty aroma of spice and excitement.
On a Golden day you get a lot of work done in a small amount of time, and then you get that wierd happy sensation of not knowing what to do because you're ahead of schedule.
This sensation gives way to pixie glee, outburst snatches of songs and a vertical lengthening of the lip corners.

At this point, a friend is likely to call and ask you to do him a favour if you have any time to spare... (You might, you might not, but what is really important is the next bit)

After the friend favour comes the call to peculiarity. The call to peculiarity may be a sudden urge to climb a tree and play guitar, it may be a random phone call inviting you to a tea party, it could be anything, anything at all... but it's going to be peculiar because you wouldn't have done it if you had work.
The call to peculiarity is usually an invitation to laugh, to do something absurd, to talk to a random on the bus.
The call is an essential ingredient in the Golden day.


  1. ha! Are you imitating Pete here? It's great

  2. know what, I just read it and thought EXACTLY the same Not intentionally...but perhaps subliminally
